更新日期:2024/09/28 10:29:38
跨領域美感教育源自於跨領域教育,著重在於以藝術(Art)領域為核心出發,串聯各個學科進行跨領域教育,期望學生能夠藉由此獲得創新的藝術與學科學習整合歷程。本研究受試學校為跨領域美感教育卓越領航計畫的成員,實施過許多以美感教育為主題,科技載具為輔的課程設計,致力於以美感教育為主軸的跨學科學習。 本研究欲研究行動顯微鏡於領域美感教育課程之應用,將從跨領域美感教育之發展、課程架構、課程模組與發展現況分析、相關研究之文獻進行探討與分析、行動顯微鏡的介紹,作為研究理論之架構及教學設計之依據。 此課程以新北市某國小五年級學生為研究對象,採用校訂課程架構,進行一共六節課的教學活動設計,主題名為「浮洲文資的
更新日期:2021/10/13 23:07:35
更新日期:2021/04/20 11:10:35
更新日期:2021/04/07 04:02:14
The Ministry of Welfare and Health (R.O.C.) will introduce the Elderly Care Act 2.0 in 2017, hence raising the attention towards elderly fitness issues, which was due to the rise of global elderly population which brings upon rise of elderly health issue related to aging such as obesity, fall, and c
更新日期:2019/04/23 08:51:25
在現代社會,由於科學技術的進步和普及,人們更加關注智能家庭的應用。 為了滿足現代人的需求,當人們在家時,有一個小幫手機器人。 當人們無法照 顧他們時,他們可以幫助巡邏房子,例如監視孩子的房間。 因此,我們使用 iTank 智能移動平台,Arduino 和 iVison 互相使用來製造 i-Puppy 巡邏車。 當災難發 生時,它可以立即檢測並返回圖像,使人們能夠更有效,更冷靜地處理這種情況。 對於我們的項目,我們結合 iTank 和 Arduino 系統來完成我們的項目。 但 是,我們努力研究這些相關的材料和工具,我們可以告訴 i-Puppy 的操作和架構。 無論我們在學術專著的過程中遇到什
更新日期:2019/01/12 03:16:43
摘要 時代不斷的進步,科技日新月異,科技對社會的影響不容忽視,就連現今全球的經濟都離不開技術發展的成果,使得今天的人們深深受到科技的影響,也使得許人們十分依賴科技產品如手機、電腦、平板電腦等等,人們也因此大幅減少出門與他人互動的機會。虛擬實境是利用電腦類比產生一個三維空間的虛擬世界,讓使用者感覺彷彿身歷其境。而遊樂園是許多人童年最熟悉的場所,也是許多人記憶最深的地方,因此我們將科技與遊樂園做結合,讓使用者在家裡也能體會到遊樂園遊玩的快樂與真實,也能減少因為遊樂園設施而導致的危險,不論颳風下雨,所有天氣的陰晴不定都能被解決。本專題是以開發HTC Vive平台上的VR遊戲為主,Unity為主要開
更新日期:2019/01/11 16:51:25
本研究旨在探討目前臺灣休閒運動博碩士論文之年代分布、學校系所、引用情形、研究方法與關鍵字等數量分布情形,故本研究由臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統,以「休閒運動」關鍵字搜尋相關博碩士論文,以667篇論文為研究對象,並透過內容分析法進行研究。研究結果發現,論文的年代分布及數量增長自2010 年皆有穩定產量,研究方法以問卷調查法最多。
更新日期:2018/05/25 20:45:52
Abstract: The main purpose of the research is to analyze how cases influence policemen psychologically. From several theme settings both movies show the weary attitude of their occupation environment. Stories looks like simply describe what they have been through and their daily life, such as the d
更新日期:2017/11/17 00:47:16
This work presents a new vortex-based flow device. A corrugated dragonfly wing blocks in a microchannel of 250 μm wide good to capture particles and to reduce the chip size. Two conclusions have been found. The new flow chips made of PDMS and their microbes filling experiments firstly revealed that
更新日期:2017/06/28 15:37:19
更新日期:2017/05/03 13:34:37
懷著忐忑的心投稿TAECT 2016年的中小學教師論壇,很開心的是能上台發表,也觀摩了其他人的內容收穫很多。
更新日期:2017/03/19 18:23:37
專題大綱: As the globalization goes on, migrant workers in Taiwan from Southeast Asia gradually become important labor resources since 1992. According to the data from Ministry of Labor (2006), it reported the detailed numbers of migrant workers in Taiwan now are about 600,000 people. These workers in
更新日期:2017/01/04 21:13:17
The purposes of this paper is for the students who are interested in interning in KOJEN and Cat’s. Throughout this paper, we share our contents of our jobs and our experiences. And, we analyzed the features of two internship institutions in order to let readers have better understanding on the backg
更新日期:2017/01/04 17:22:27
As the globalization goes on, migrant workers in Taiwan from Southeast Asia gradually become important labor resources since 1992. According to the data from Ministry of Labor (2006), it reported the detailed numbers of migrant workers in Taiwan now are about 600,000 people. These workers in Taiwan
更新日期:2017/01/04 17:20:57
Abstract The purposes of this paper is for the students who are interested in interning in KOJEN and Cat’s. Throughout this paper, we share our contents of our jobs and our experiences. And, we analyzed the features of two internship institutions in order to let readers have better understanding o
更新日期:2017/01/04 16:38:00
更新日期:2017/01/04 16:33:27
A. Introduction To introduce the general idea of our project and tell why we choose to join the internship. Also mention the general picture of what English major do after they graduate. B. Company information Introduce the company background and working environment. C. Detailed job description
更新日期:2017/01/04 12:43:02
淡江大學蘭陽校園英美語言文化學系全英語學士班 專題大綱 題目: 中文:外籍移工在台灣 英文:Migrant workers in Taiwan. 指導老師:謝顥音老師 學生成員:曾祥豪 王真翊 鄧 蓉 古皓如 戴 誼 徐良甄 專題大綱:(內容與字數請依據各組指導老師規定。並請上傳到「學習歷程檔案」) As the globalization goes on, migrant workers in Taiwan from Southeast Asia gradually become important labor resources since 1992. Accord
更新日期:2017/01/03 22:49:15
更新日期:2017/01/03 22:47:55