1.Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Ans: Page table: Address generated by CPU is divided into: (1)Page num
更新日期:2016/05/21 21:51:17
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. ANS: For large page table , more feasible if keep it in main memory and u
更新日期:2016/05/21 21:46:11
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages ANS:(1) Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base addres
更新日期:2016/05/21 21:39:11
1.Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Ans: Page table: Address generated by CPU is divided into: (1)Page number
更新日期:2016/05/21 20:33:00
更新日期:2016/05/21 20:23:57
更新日期:2016/05/21 19:25:33
更新日期:2016/05/21 16:38:21
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. ans1: Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base addr
更新日期:2016/05/21 10:47:22
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. The CPU's memory management unit (MMU) stores a cache of recently used mappi
更新日期:2016/05/21 00:48:24
更新日期:2016/05/21 00:29:45
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages ANS:(1) Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base add
更新日期:2016/05/20 23:06:57
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Ans:(1) Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base ad
更新日期:2016/05/20 22:52:54
更新日期:2016/05/20 22:51:58
更新日期:2016/05/20 22:48:25
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages ANS:(1) Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base ad
更新日期:2016/05/20 22:26:10
課程社團名稱:校園與社區服務學習 服務日期:5/17 服務機構:公園 服務地點:公園 被服務人數:20 資料成果呈現方式:書面資料 服務內容與學習要點: 打掃環境 心得隨寫: 天氣真好
更新日期:2016/05/20 12:50:54
1 在本次社區服務中,你印象最深刻的畫面是什麼?為什麼? 在本次社區服務中,我印象最深刻的畫面是同學們齊心將落葉掃起、堆積和裝袋,最後將環境還回整潔與乾淨。因為平時同學們都為了各自的目標而努力著,即使在同一個班也不是很容易能夠相處,而這次社區服務中大家能迅速齊心的將一件事情做完,我覺得很難得的。 2 對你而言,這次的社區服務有什麼意義?在本次社區服務後,你願不願意參與更多的志工服務? 對我而言,這次的社區服務的意義就在於我能擁有這個機會服務社會大眾。平常可能不太有時間去留意、實行這樣的事情,即便這次的社區服務只是小小的環境清潔,也讓我覺得很有意義。所以我想說,如果還有類似的機會,我很
更新日期:2016/05/20 11:11:08
課程社團名稱:校園與社區服務學習 服務日期:105/05/17 服務機構:運動公園 服務地點:運動公園 被服務人數:0 資料成果呈現方式:書面資料 服務內容與學習要點: 整理運動公園的環境,與分工一同維護公園的乾淨。 心得隨寫: 這次的運動公園環境較上次打掃時乾淨了一些,但依舊還是有垃圾,希望大家可以一同來維護。
更新日期:2016/05/20 11:04:52
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Ans:(1) Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base a
更新日期:2016/05/20 09:28:44
更新日期:2016/05/20 01:38:06