1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages ANS:(1) Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base add
更新日期:2016/05/20 00:24:08
更新日期:2016/05/19 23:57:08
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages ANS:(1) Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base addre
更新日期:2016/05/19 23:52:23
1.Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. (1) Page number is used as an index into a page table which contains base addres
更新日期:2016/05/19 22:18:14
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. (1) Page number is used as an index into a page table which contains base
更新日期:2016/05/19 21:59:09
更新日期:2016/05/19 21:54:11
更新日期:2016/05/19 21:51:43
一、片首法官對陪審員做何種交代? 審判是個沉重的責任,只要你覺得這個案子有何理的懷疑,那你就可以判被告無罪;若否,則要基於最高良知,判被告有罪,有罪的話一定嚴刑峻罰。不管你們最後做的是什麼決定你們最後做的是什麼決定,都必須一致通過才行。 二、本案陪審團之表決何以能從開始11:1表決有罪,到0:12表決無罪? 第一次投票的時候,大家的意見很一面倒,只有主角一個人堅持那孩子有可能並沒有犯罪,也許只是刀掉了,而他父親又剛好被擁有類似刀的人所謀殺,然而其他人並不認為如此,「這年紀的孩子要吃點苦頭,才會不敢惹事生非」「平民窟本來就是一個犯罪的溫床」「這孩子本來以前就有很多前科」,況且加上大
更新日期:2016/05/19 21:51:08
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages ANS:(1) Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base ad
更新日期:2016/05/19 20:49:21
1.Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Ans: Page table: Address generated by CPU is divided into: (1)Page number
更新日期:2016/05/19 17:19:30
更新日期:2016/05/19 14:54:39
更新日期:2016/05/19 14:51:53
更新日期:2016/05/19 14:46:15
1 在本次社區服務中,你印象最深刻的畫面是什麼?為什麼? 最深刻的是在海邊撿垃圾的那次,一邊看海一邊撿垃圾,也是別有一番風味。 2 對你而言,這次的社區服務有什麼意義?在本次社區服務後,你願不願意參與更多的志工服務? 學習到很多,像是這次打掃海灘,就可以看出人類對海洋的汙染。我自己是有志工手冊,有空閒時間一定參與的。 3 請用一句話來形容本學期參與社區服務的感覺,為什麼是這句話? "與其坐而言,不如起而行" ,很多人都在嘴巴講講他們很愛護環境甚麼的,但連自己都不做,實際做了再和別人說才有影響力。 4 在本次社區服務裡,你覺得感到最具挑戰性的地方是什麼?為什麼? 海灘有
更新日期:2016/05/19 12:58:57
1. (1) Method of page table : The page number is used as an index into a page table. The page table contains the base address of each page in physical memory. This base address is combined with the page offset to define the physical memory address that is sent to the memory unit. Method of TLB : W
更新日期:2016/05/19 11:44:47
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Ans: For large page table , more feasible if keep it in main memory and use a p
更新日期:2016/05/19 09:30:55
1.Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. Ans: Page table: Address generated by CPU is divided into: (1) Page number(p)
更新日期:2016/05/19 09:22:48
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. The CPU's memory management unit (MMU) stores a cache of recently used mappi
更新日期:2016/05/19 09:06:12
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages. ANS: For large page table , more feasible if keep it in main memory and use
更新日期:2016/05/19 09:00:59
1. Give the methods that are used in page table and TLB for searching the accessing pages. Compare the differences on the searches between these two hardwares and give reasons why TLB will help the search of the pages (1) Page number: Used as an index into a page table which contains base address
更新日期:2016/05/19 08:44:14