更新日期:2015/12/19 18:42:17
1 在本次社區服務中,你印象最深刻的畫面是什麼?為什麼? 掃完的公園,很有成就感 2 對你而言,這次的社區服務有什麼意義?在本次社區服務後,你願不願意參與更多的志工服務? 服務大眾的樂趣 願意 3 請用一句話來形容本學期參與社區服務的感覺,為什麼是這句話? 輕鬆又能幫到別人的一件事 4 在本次社區服務裡,你覺得感到最具挑戰性的地方是什麼?為什麼? 有時候會有人造的垃圾,要將它們分類 有時候地上的葉子很難掃起來 5 在這個社區服務中,你對自己有什麼新的認識? 幫助別人會讓自己開心 6 在這次社區服務中,你覺得我們有沒有什麼可以更努力的地方? 我覺得大
更新日期:2015/12/18 22:02:44
更新日期:2015/12/18 19:04:28
更新日期:2015/12/18 17:37:48
1.What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Name two of them. Ans: When a server receives a request, it awakens a thread form this pool─if one is available─and passes it the request for service.Once the thread completes its service,it returns to the pool and awaits more work.If
更新日期:2015/12/18 15:15:50
1 在本次社區服務中,你印象最深刻的畫面是什麼?為什麼? 此次社區服務中,令我印象最深的是與自己朋友們一起去打掃與在打掃時一起撿了滿滿的垃圾表露出的笑容與互開彼此的玩笑。 2 對你而言,這次的社區服務有什麼意義?在本次社區服務後,你願不願意參與更多的志工服務? 對於我來說,是我的第一次大學服務學習也是讓我最開心的社區服務,因為之前參加一般社區服務都是自己做自己的事情,跟別人根本不會有交集,即便有也只是交代工作項目與遇到不會時,請教不會時再請教別人,但都感受不到這次服務學習的喜悅。這都是與班上的功勞,是他們讓我重新喜歡社區服務,也唯有他們讓我願意再去參加更多社區服務。 3 請用一
更新日期:2015/12/18 12:52:40
1.What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Ans:Creating new threads every time one is needed and then deleting it when it is done can be inefficient, and can also lead to a very large ( unlimited ) number of threads being created. An alternative solution is to create a numbe
更新日期:2015/12/18 07:57:41
課程社團名稱:校園與社區服務學習 服務日期:14/11,2015 服務機構:Green Citizen's Action Alliance 服務地點:Tamsui Conch Beach 被服務人數:100 資料成果呈現方式:書面資料 服務內容與學習要點: It helped me as an individual by giving me some insights on how to be a responsible citizen,that is,how to care for the environment amidst this world where brutal
更新日期:2015/12/18 07:56:39
ONE:Next homework will be what kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools. Ans of ONE: ThreadPool initialize some threads and use in specific times, in order to saving time. ThreadPool can help manage each cycle of the thread, it makes us can be more concentrate to work, and no writ
更新日期:2015/12/18 02:25:28
1.What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools. Unlimited treads could exhault system resources so we use a thread pools. Create a number of threads at process startup and place them into a pool, where they sit and wait for work. 2.Why the windows uses one to one mapping fo
更新日期:2015/12/18 02:05:27
1.Q: What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Name two of them. A: When a server receives a request, it awakens a thread form this pool─if one is available─and passes it the request for service.Once the thread completes its service,it returns to the pool and awaits more wo
更新日期:2015/12/18 01:37:45
1. What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Name two of them. Need time to create the thread prior to servicing the request. Unlimited treads could exhault system resources...use thread pools. Create a number of threads at process startup and place them into a pool, where they
更新日期:2015/12/18 01:24:13
1. What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Name two of them. (1) Thread pools can help manage each cycle of the thread, it makes us more concentrate on work, instead of write the code of the thread. (2) Thread pools initialize some threads and use in specific times, in orde
更新日期:2015/12/18 01:17:24
1.what kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools (1)Thread can be kept alive , waiting for a new task , the task will not end with the establishment of further destruction . (2)Thread Thread Pool limit the maximum number of systems to avoid waste . (3)Thread by Thread Pool lifecycle c
更新日期:2015/12/18 01:14:41
1.What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Name two of them. Ans: ThreadPool initialize some threads and use in specific times, in order to save time. ThreadPool can help manage each cycle of the thread, it makes us more concentrate on work, instead of write the code of th
更新日期:2015/12/18 01:09:40
更新日期:2015/12/18 00:50:18
1.Next homework will be what kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools Thread pool can be used to fetch a big amount of file, when there is thousand even million of web page to fetch , but our computer don’t have the ability to create that much thread, thats the time when thread
更新日期:2015/12/18 00:42:16
(1) What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Name two of them. Ans: ThreadPool initialize some threads and use in specific times, in order to saving time. ThreadPool can help manage each cycle of the thread, it makes us can be more concentrate to work, and no write the co
更新日期:2015/12/18 00:31:25
1. What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Name two of them. Every request came on the establishment of a new thread, run no longer use, and then perform the required system resources to establish thread, accepts many requests for a case, constantly create a new thread will caus
更新日期:2015/12/18 00:21:53
這一次的讀書會,我因為另外有待處理的事情,只參與到後半部,若要讓我來說關於正是內容的心得,大概沒有辦法獎的非常精確。 或者說,關於這次讀書會,比起褚遂良或者是王羲之,我更想要分享的是大家的學習自主。在這次報告中,因為敘述緣故提及「唐太宗陪葬」的事情。如果是一般的讀書會,這件事情聽過就算了,然而在我們的讀書會裡,卻可以看見成員們不願意對疑惑與問題妥協,自主的搜尋資料與查閱,提出了正確的看法,「陪葬」一詞並非活人陪葬,而是皇親將相死後再移至皇陵與太宗棺槨同處。 我覺得,問題的答案不是非常重要,重要的是這種自主探索解答的精神非常重要。
更新日期:2015/12/18 00:21:42