1. What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Name two of them. Thread pools can handle thread lifecycle automatically according to the strategy selected on thread pool creation. An important feature of a thread pool is that it allows applications to degrade gracefully. A ser
更新日期:2015/12/18 00:12:07
不管在哪個時代,有權、有名者,往往會成為風尚的帶動者。他們或許是知名的文人大家、如學名士、皇親貴冑更甚者,便是神諭者或者帝王天子。這樣的情況,在書法的領域裡也是可以被觀察到的。 例如唐代的書法史發展中,李唐王朝歷代的帝王的身影字跡都在其中留下了各自的濃淡,其中又以唐太宗對於書法發展有著最深遠的影響。 當然,身為帝王所有舉措勢必隱含著政治上的考量,例如收攬文士的目的。但同時,在觀看文獻時,我們不可否認唐太宗是十分重視書法的,更對於這類書法藝術有著濃厚的興趣。從文獻典籍中,這件事情從唐太宗還在秦邸時便可察覺端倪,更有史書記載,貞觀年間天下太平,唐太宗更是醉心於翰墨。 絕大多數的人也聽過唐太宗
更新日期:2015/12/18 00:10:36
1.Next homework will be what kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools Thread pool can be used to fetch a big amount of file, when there is thousand even million of web page to fetch , but our computer don’t have the ability to create that much thread, thats the time when thread po
更新日期:2015/12/17 23:29:20
更新日期:2015/12/17 23:28:16
1. What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Servicing a request with an existing thread is faster than waiting to create a thread. Second, a thread pool limits the number of threads that exist at any one point. This is particularly important on systems that
更新日期:2015/12/17 23:08:05
(1) Keep Tasks Short and Nonblocking. Thread pool tasks should be as small as possible, but no smaller. One reason to prefer making tasks short is because short tasks can spread more evenly and thus use hardware resources well. (2) One to one relationship of user level thread to the kernel lev
更新日期:2015/12/17 22:37:13
更新日期:2015/12/17 21:56:25
1.Next homework will be what kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools Thread pool can be used to fetch a big amount of file, when there is thousand even million of web page to fetch , but our computer don’t have the ability to create that much thread, thats the time when thread poo
更新日期:2015/12/17 21:33:05
1. Keep Tasks Short and Nonblocking. Thread pool tasks should be as small as possible, but no smaller. One reason to prefer making tasks short is because short tasks can spread more evenly and thus use hardware resources well. 2. One to one relationship of user level thread to the kernel level
更新日期:2015/12/17 21:14:40
1. What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? ThreadPool initialize some threads and use in specific times, in order to saving time. ThreadPool can help manage each cycle of the thread, it makes us can be more concentrate to work, and no write the code of the thread.
更新日期:2015/12/17 21:05:47
1. What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Seperating task to be performed from the machanics of creating the task allows us to use different strategies such as scheduling strategies and terminating strategies for running the task. As a new work to do, it creat new thread
更新日期:2015/12/17 20:55:32
I.what kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools A: (1)The number of threads in the pool can be set heuristically upon system factors. (2)More sophisticated thread-pool architectures can dynamically adjust the number of threads in the pool according to usage patterns. II.why t
更新日期:2015/12/17 20:52:35
1.what kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Create a number of threads at process startup and place them into a pool, where they sit and wait for work. 2.Why the windows uses one to one mapping for the threads while there are many to many available? One-to-one model provi
更新日期:2015/12/17 20:52:25
1.what kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Create a number of threads at process startup and place them into a pool, where they sit and wait for work. 2.why the windows uses one to one mapping for the threads while there are many to many available. Because each kernel thread
更新日期:2015/12/17 20:38:26
1.what kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? ANS:Create a number of threads at process startup and place them into a pool, where they sit and wait for work. 2. Why the windows uses one to one mapping for the threads while there are many to many available? ANS: It provide
更新日期:2015/12/17 20:38:13
1.Q: What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Name two of them. A: When a server receives a request, it awakens a thread form this pool─if one is available─and passes it the request for service.Once the thread completes its service,it returns to the pool and awaits more work.If
更新日期:2015/12/17 20:32:16
更新日期:2015/12/17 20:28:43
1. What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? ThreadPool initialize some threads and use in specific times, in order to saving time. ThreadPool can help manage each cycle of the thread, it makes us can be more concentrate to work, and no write the code of the thread. 2.Why
更新日期:2015/12/17 19:12:49
1. What kind of strategies we can have for using thread pools? Ans:Creating new threads every time one is needed and then deleting it when it is done can be inefficient, and can also lead to a very large ( unlimited ) number of threads being created. An alternative solution is to create a numbe
更新日期:2015/12/17 18:38:54
1. Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? If data is not very much, we can use message passing. Because no conflicts need to be avoided. It’s easier to control p
更新日期:2015/12/17 17:55:05