1. Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? When packets of information in predefined formats are moved between processes by the operating system,you can use message
更新日期:2015/11/14 01:08:30
Homework for Chapter 2: 1. Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? In addition, when a small number of information exchange, most of the time is the use of shared-
更新日期:2015/11/14 00:50:15
1. (1) Message passing is useful for exchanging smaller amounts of data,because no conflicts need be avoided.It is also easier to implement than is shared-memory for intercomputer communication. (2) Message passing is good at controlling synchronously,but it is more complicated than shared-memory
更新日期:2015/11/14 00:17:26
更新日期:2015/11/14 00:02:21
1.-Message passing model is more suitable to use when you are doing something more simple , and protect data from being edited by other who shouldn’t access the file. -Shared-memory model can simulate the message passing model , but vice versa, it does not work, Shared-memory model has a disadvan
更新日期:2015/11/13 23:52:35
1. -Message passing model is more suitable to use when you are doing something more simple , and protect data from being edited by other who shouldn’t access the file. -Shared-memory model can simulate the message passing model , but vice versa, it does not work, Shared-memory model has a disa
更新日期:2015/11/13 23:29:43
更新日期:2015/11/13 23:24:53
1. Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? 1-1) Message passing is useful for exchanging smaller amounts of data,because conflicts need be avoided. It is also easie
更新日期:2015/11/13 23:22:33
1. (1) Message passing is useful for exchanging smaller amounts of data,because no conflicts need be avoided.It is also easier to implement than is shared-memory for intercomputer communication. (2) Function: System calls provide a interface between a running program and the operating system. 2.
更新日期:2015/11/13 22:22:12
更新日期:2015/11/13 21:44:31
對於外文學系來說,我們的目標不外乎就是出國。因此這學期我希望能好好提升自己的會話能力,以期自己在與他人對話的時候不至於結結巴巴、說不出一句流暢的話。最理想的情況就是通過法語B1檢定,目前從較低一級的檢定著手開始做起。我不希望又因為自己的惰性,錯過了可以做最多事情的現在。想多方嘗試最適合我的生活方式、學習方式、思維模式,盡量在這個時間點就能大概摸索出未來十年的成長方向。 當初想學外文其實也是為了很簡單的目標——為了能品嘗異國美食!嚮往那些不同的文化,非常想見識到底自己能跟這些國家擦出什麼樣的火花,也想遇見更多更不一樣的人。我沒有太偉大的目標,但我的確因此而前進。
更新日期:2015/11/13 21:10:29
1.Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? (1)Message passing is useful for exchanging smaller amounts of data, because conflicts need be avoided. It is also easier to
更新日期:2015/11/13 20:46:56
1. Message passing is useful for exchanging smaller amounts of data,because no conflicts need be avoided.It is also easier to implement than is shared-memory for intercomputer communication. 2. Function: System calls provide a interface between a running program and the operating system. Purpose:T
更新日期:2015/11/13 20:29:59
1.Distributed memory machines use message passing to communicate data between processors at programmer-determined points in the program’s execution. Message passing offers the potential of high performance and allows easy and relatively inexpensive scaling the system by adding more workstations to t
更新日期:2015/11/13 20:25:13
更新日期:2015/11/13 19:18:23
更新日期:2015/11/13 17:58:30
1. Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? Message passing is useful when smaller numbers of data need to be exchanged, because no conflicts need to be avoided. It is
更新日期:2015/11/13 14:39:18
在大四這年,我們必須完成畢業專題,其實畢業專題對我來說一直都是很耗時間的,相較於在校外實習的經驗,畢業專題在我的學習生涯上並沒有非常重要,但卻對於我是否能拿到畢業證書是最重要的。這是我非常納悶的地方,畢竟在很多時候,我們學會一項技能或者修完一門課,並不代表我們必須朝著那個方向前進,打從一開始我就沒打算從教科這條路走,一直到真正面對畢業專題,我更確信我不會往這個方向前進。 如今自己對於大四這年的學習目標,不僅限於學校,我將眼光放在未來與校外那些真正的挑戰,我認為那才是我們學習的真正目標,因此,在這學習我的學習目標便是好好的在公司企業實習,並奠定自己未來的競爭力!
更新日期:2015/11/13 14:30:06
課程社團名稱:校園與社區服務學習 服務日期:104/11/4 服務機構:沙崙海水浴場 服務地點:沙崙海水浴場 被服務人數:X 資料成果呈現方式: 服務內容與學習要點: 前往沙崙海水浴場淨灘撿垃圾,學習對自己負責且關懷社會。 心得隨寫: 這次垃圾減了滿滿一袋都撿不完,看了覺得有些無奈,希望大家能有公德心一點,對自己也對大自然負責。
更新日期:2015/11/13 12:58:50
書名:學校沒有教的生存力 作者:雷夫.帕里特 出版:台北市:久石文化出版,2012年9月 我很喜歡這本書的敘事手法,作者舉了許多日常生活的小故事,而這些小故事裏頭都蘊含著大道理。我非常喜歡作者的一個比喻,那就是一顆茂密的大樹在成為一架精緻的鋼琴之前,必定先經歷木匠的砍伐、工匠錘鍊及打擊,而後才能立足在華麗的舞台上閃爍迷人的光采,並彈奏出動人心弦的樂章。實現夢想何嘗不是要走過這一段歷程,遭受打擊、站起、被挫折擊倒在地、站起、遭遇困境、勇敢面對……,這看似辛苦、吃力不討好的過程,最後卻造就了許許多多的人臉上美好的笑容。 書中另外傳遞的觀念我也十分喜歡,那就是「慷慨助
更新日期:2015/11/13 12:01:32