這學期選修了經濟系的「不確定與經濟決策」、運管系「運輸管理行銷與公共關係」的課程,也修了許多社會科學方面的課程,期待自己在中文系之外的其他領域也能有所涉獵,因為是轉學生,又是不同科系的降轉,導致之前都在補學分,大四才終於能夠選擇自己有興趣的領域去了解!這學期除了自身科系的新知外,在知識的廣度方面要更充實,在人格整體的塑造上,深入了解自己後,要培養出積極正向、溫柔而有力量的內在! 在課餘時間多讀關於行銷企劃方面的書籍,並關心國際時事!經濟方面則是多看商業性質雜誌,並吸取成功者的思想,讓它變成我的一部分!而上課不懂的地方請教朋友,或是下課找教授討論。社會科學的部分則是課堂的專注,並隨時留心周
更新日期:2015/10/15 00:19:58
1. reduce the wating time of CPU and raise the efficiency of system CPU can read all most dates by cache without all ways read by slower divice if the program start change 2 dates without stoping then those two date will occupy the cache so the efficiency of cache will be slow down
更新日期:2015/10/15 00:12:10
我大二時曾經因為玩社團的關係而導致課業沒有跟上,那時我的成績是全班倒數的,但當時我並不自覺課業的重要性。 到了大三時,因為已經不是社團幹部,頓覺失去重心,同時也看到了自己缺修很多學分,在有可能延畢的情況下我開始重新調整對課業的態度,也開始妥善規劃每天的間。 其實能獲這個獎項我也感到很意外也很榮幸,因為我只是想盡到做為一個學生的本分,以前的我其實不太會利用自己的時間,現在同時有了打工又有規劃念書的時間,其實 也還蠻充實的。很感謝這次學校對我的肯定及鼓勵,今後 我還會持續的進步!
更新日期:2015/10/15 00:10:55
1. Caches are useful when two or more components need to ex-change data, and the components perform transfers at differing speeds. Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. If the fast device finds the data it needs in the cache
更新日期:2015/10/15 00:07:47
1 1 when we processing the data,we can use a small peace of fast memory to store the data what we need temporarily. 2 CPU don't need to read the peace of program in the slow main nomory. 3 caches help us store the data what we often use in the small fast memory,when we need these data,it will h
更新日期:2015/10/15 00:01:09
聽同學介紹類比ic設計的簡介 ,除頻器的系統架構,台積電90奈米和聯電0.18微米製程的分析介紹,對於類比ic設計有了初步瞭解。
更新日期:2015/10/15 00:00:50
1. ①. Caches are useful when two or more components need to exchange data, and the components perform transfers at differing speeds. ②. Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. If the fast device finds the data it needs in the cache,
更新日期:2015/10/14 23:56:59
更新日期:2015/10/14 23:55:34
1.Caching access speed is faster than the Random Access Memory.Cache capacity is small but the speed is higher than the main memory, the speed is close to the CPU. Cache solve the transfer problems by providing a buffer of speed. Cache capacity is small so you need to be update cache or remove
更新日期:2015/10/14 23:55:33
1.Give two reasons why caches are useful. first:It minimizes the miss match between the main memory and the processor second:A cache exists to speed up the time that the processor takes to obtain a bit of data. 2.What problems do they solve? ans:Cache solve the transfer problems by providing
更新日期:2015/10/14 23:28:23
1. 1. when we processing the data,we can use a small peace of fast memory to store the data what we need temporarily. 2. CPU don't need to read the peace of program in the slow main nomory. 3. caches help us store the data what we often use in the small fast. memory,when we need these data,it
更新日期:2015/10/14 23:18:48
更新日期:2015/10/14 23:18:38
更新日期:2015/10/14 23:16:16
1-1 Caches are useful when two or more components need to exchange data, and the components perform transfers at different speeds. 1-2 Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. 1-3 If the fast device finds the data it needs in the ca
更新日期:2015/10/14 23:08:41
更新日期:2015/10/14 22:57:28
1. (1) Caches are useful when two or more components need to ex-change data, and the components perform transfers at differing speeds. (2) Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. If the fast device finds the data it needs in the cache
更新日期:2015/10/14 22:55:16
1. Caches are faster than main memory,they can decrease many time on fetching data into CPU. But if data at main memory has updated,caches haven't updated yet,CPU would fetch the old data. If caches made as large as a disk,it must be very expensive.It's not fitting economic of scale. 2. Int
更新日期:2015/10/14 22:50:20
1. . Improve access time and rate. Reduce the need for bandwidth Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. If the fast device finds the data it needs in the cache, it need not wait for the slower devices. The data in the cache m
更新日期:2015/10/14 22:12:37
1. Caches are useful when two or more components need to ex-change data, and the components perform transfers at differing speeds.Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. If the fast device finds the data it needs in the cache, it need no
更新日期:2015/10/14 22:10:41
1.Caches are useful w.hen two or more components need to ex-change data, and the components perform transfers at differing speeds. Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. If the fast device finds the data it needs in the cache, it need no
更新日期:2015/10/14 21:52:58