1-1. Caches are useful when two or more components need to ex-change data, and the components perform transfers at differing speeds. 1-2 Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. 1-3 The data in the cache must be kept consistent w
更新日期:2015/10/14 21:50:30
更新日期:2015/10/14 21:49:27
1. Give two reasons why caches are useful. (1)There are only important information in the caches. (2)It is faster than other memory systems. What problems do they solve? Caches can improve performance where a large disparity in access time or transfer rate exists between two components.
更新日期:2015/10/14 21:49:02
1. Caches are useful when two or more components need to exchange data, and the components perform transfers at differing speeds. Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. If the fast device finds the data it needs in the cache, it need
更新日期:2015/10/14 21:35:50
更新日期:2015/10/14 21:04:06
1.caches simply solves the problem of time causing loading the files or application , because cache can load up much faster then our HDD or SSD or even ram , the computer can pre load in stuffs to the cache so that when we need it we can use it immediately without waiting too long cache also cau
更新日期:2015/10/14 20:54:51
1) When two or more components need to exchange data, Cache is very useful. Cache provides a small buffer to transmission problems, the data must be consistent in Cache, that if a member changes its content, cache backup must be updated in time. cache the price is more expensive, because fast storag
更新日期:2015/10/14 20:30:28
更新日期:2015/10/14 19:50:06
更新日期:2015/10/14 19:43:40
1. Caches are useful when two or more components need to exchange data, and the components perform transfers at differing speeds. Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. If the fast device finds the data it needs in the cache, it ne
更新日期:2015/10/14 19:28:45
這次很突然的發現這個獎學金 一直以來覺得自己與獎學金是無緣的。 但是這次真的很努力的下苦功念書 再加上上次的成績真的太糟糕 這次我才能體驗得到獎學金的感覺 希望以後都能進步,即使無法得獎 都希望有小小的進步 也謝謝學發組給了我這種成績差的人一個夢 有了進步獎獎學金這個動力,我會更努力去學習的
更新日期:2015/10/14 19:27:45
1.(一)Caches are useful when two or more components need to ex-change data, and the components perform transfers at differing speeds. (二)Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. (三)If the fast device finds the data it needs in t
更新日期:2015/10/14 19:10:02
學習到了可愛的彈跳動畫與雪的圖片 覺得很有趣
更新日期:2015/10/14 19:01:23
1.(I)Caches are useful when two or more components need to ex-change data, and the components perform transfers at differing speeds. (II)Caches solve the transfer problem by providing a buffer of intermediate speed between the components. (III)If the fast device finds the data it needs in th
更新日期:2015/10/14 18:47:13
更新日期:2015/10/14 18:39:54
更新日期:2015/10/14 17:50:12
今年是升上大的第一年,身為新鮮人有很多事情都不懂,我希望在本學年可以多多接觸之前從未接觸過的人,事,物,開闊自己的視野。在嘗試各種事的同時,我也會確保自己的學業成績維持在可接受的範圍內,不要因為各種活動分了心。 不僅是在課業上,我也希望可以更精進自己的興趣及專長,培養多方面的能力,另外活動很多,我也想訓練自己更加有效的利用自己的時間,充分利用每一分每一秒,不僅能餐與活動也能留給自己讀書的時間,顧及大局。
更新日期:2015/10/14 16:04:51
更新日期:2015/10/14 15:55:02
在這個學期,我希望多方嘗試我沒有接觸過的活動或事情,不要因為自己不感興趣就不去做不去碰觸,正所謂嘗試了才知道自己喜不喜歡,或許能在活動中發現我不曾發掘的專長或興趣。 想要參加很多社團,認識更多人,在面對不同的人時,會激發出自己不同的樣貌及淺能,也可以成為自己的人脈基礎。 大學與高中不同,所有的學習要自己主動,也不再是有人規定幾點要做什麼、什麼時候要考試、什麼時候上什麼課,所有的一切既自由又個人化,我希望可以從現在開始認真學習每一個學科,讓未來的自己有更多樣技能,成為一個全方位的人。
更新日期:2015/10/14 15:54:06
104年度我選了18學分,期許自己這學期都能認真學習,對每個報告及考試都盡心盡力。 1.產業經濟學導論上課能踴躍發言,報告的資料蒐集要詳細。 2.財務行政學上課能踴躍發言,不害怕舉手講話和上台寫題目,也希望能更深入了解心智圖的使用及做筆記的方法。 3.透過財政學的學習,希望自己能把這2年對經濟的學習和社會時事作結合,並對於社會付出更多關心,對於社會的時事狀況也都能用更客觀的態度去面對。 4.在繪本於兒童文學這堂課上,學習用不同的角度看繪本文學,並廣泛接觸不同語言的繪本圖書,了解圖文之間的搭配,並學會做繪本。
更新日期:2015/10/14 15:00:51