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李同學 服務學習修課紀錄 分享經驗 105 / 1 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌

105 / 1 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
課程(社團)名稱 「校園與社區服務學習」服務日誌
學年期 105 / 1
班級 國際企業學系國際商學全英語組(日)
服務日期 11/8
服務時數 2
服務機構 Tamsui District Office, New Taipei City
服務地點 Shell Beach
被服務人數 80

服務機構:Tamsui District Office, New Taipei City
服務地點:Shell Beach
This time the area we have cleaned before contains less and less trash than the first time when I came there, but the area that we have not explored seems more and more messier than before. The weather before we starts cleaned the beach is really hot, but midway it’s starts getting cloudy and raining.
It is fun and enjoyable at first, but when we are midway of cleaning the beach it’s starting to rain and it’s really such a waste. All of us getting drenched by the rain and it’s really something that I hate, I do hope the next time we go cleaning to the beach it will not rain.

更新日期:2016/12/5 下午 01:59:08