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Lily 論文發表 分享經驗 105/04/19 礁溪老爺實習的320小時

105/04/19 礁溪老爺實習的320小時
發表日期 105/04/19
論文名稱 礁溪老爺實習的320小時



This is the thesis for group Hotel Royal Chiaohsi. In this report, we will disscuss about the whole process of our intership. Like our expectation, why we want to choose Hotel Royal Chiaohsi and what we expect to learn there. We will also introduce the profile of Hotel Royal company. Then move on to our working content, the problem we encounter, and how we deal with them. Finally, our reflection and recommendation for future students who want to choose Hotel Royal Chiaohsi as their internship.

更新日期:2016/4/19 下午 06:49:40