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郭同學 服務學習修課紀錄 分享經驗 112 / 2 校園與社區服務學習歷程反思單

112 / 2 校園與社區服務學習歷程反思單
課程(社團)名稱 「社區服務學習歷程」服務學習反思單
學年期 112 / 2
班級 觀光一A

1 在本次社區服務中,你印象最深刻的畫面是什麼?為什麼?
In this activity, the most memorable thing is the
friendliness of the people I met there, especially the people who sell their agricultural products. They explain the food they sell well such as the ingredients they use and the food they sell is very tasty. Second thing that is really memorable is the radish harvesting activity. For the first time in my life I harvested radish with my own hands and also got a very clear explanation about how to pick the radish and also what to do after picking, and because we do it together with our ITM classmates, this activity becomes even more memorable.

2 對你而言,這次的社區服務有什麼意義?在本次社區服務後,你願不願意參與更多的志工服務?
I think this activity is very beneficial for us because this activity gives us the opportunity to jump directly into the community and interact directly with outside society, this is a very rare opportunity especially for me as an International student in Taiwan. This activity trains my social skills like how to interact with a large society, our ability to cooperate well with each other and also how to divide tasks.
In addition, we as students also rarely interact with nature, so in my opinion this activity not only enhances our experience but also as a refreshing tool for us students.If there is another opportunity in the future to do activities like this, of course i will participate again.

3 請用一句話來形容本學期參與社區服務的感覺,為什麼是這句話?
One sentence to describe this activity is a very memorable memory because I made a lot of memorable memories like harvesting radish, eat delicious food with my friends, carrying out the mission, watching the opening ceremony and seeing cute little children who are getting ready to perform and many more. Not only the day we went to Shanzhi was memorable but the day where me and my teammates gathered to do the assignments together and some of us went to dinner together after finishing the assignments. This activity doesn’t feel like an assignment but it feels more like a field trip for me.

4 在本次社區服務裡,你覺得感到最具挑戰性的地方是什麼?為什麼?
The most challenging thing for me in this activity is because we are an international student group. I am afraid that we may not carry out our duties properly due to language constraints. Moreover, people there can only understand Chinese while our Chinese language is not very good so there must be a lot of miscommunications. For example when we run the mission card we don’t really understand what we’re doing because the writing is all in chinese. But we are not discouraged because of that even though we don’t really understand we keep having fun and complete the mission well.

5 在這個社區服務中,你對自己有什麼新的認識?
Through this activity, the new thing I discovered from myself was that I really like being in nature. It turns out that I really appreciate the natural beauty that I rarely see in the city. I didn't really like being in nature before so when I go with my friends we always go to the city. It seems that over time and also the things that I experience, my perspective has become different like nature. I didn't find beauty in the past. Now I can understand where the beauty of nature itself is and also be happy to be in nature.

6 在這次社區服務中,你覺得我們有沒有什麼可以更努力的地方?
In this activity what I think can still be improved are the explanation of the rundown of this activity and also the explanation about the farm we are going to. Before going there all I know is we went there to harvest radish and also carry out the task for each group. I don't really understand the farm when carrying out the first mission to complete the stamp, especially since it's written in Chinese. I was a little confused but maybe this happens because of language constraints. Other than that for me personally this activity has been carried out very well.

更新日期:2024/3/15 下午 12:08:52