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鄭同學 服務學習修課紀錄 分享經驗 105 / 2 校園與社區服務學習歷程反思單

105 / 2 校園與社區服務學習歷程反思單
課程(社團)名稱 「社區服務學習歷程」服務學習反思單
學年期 105 / 2
班級 國企經貿1

1 在本次社區服務中,你印象最深刻的畫面是什麼?為什麼?
In everyday life, riding a wheelchair or pushing a wheelchair is rare. So wheelchair experience was a good experience to help someone in the future.

2 對你而言,這次的社區服務有什麼意義?在本次社區服務後,你願不願意參與更多的志工服務?
I originally liked to volunteer for community service, and since middle school, I have been doing volunteer activities steadily. But this semester seems to be too vague tocall it service activity.

3 請用一句話來形容本學期參與社區服務的感覺,為什麼是這句話?
Well begun is half done. When you first start to serve, you will be hesitant. You do not know what service to do or where to do it. But if you continue to serve, it will be fun and rewarding. It is also because of me.

4 在本次社區服務裡,你覺得感到最具挑戰性的地方是什麼?為什麼?
When I was a child, I only took my wheelchair. I had never pushed someone else 's wheelchair, so the feeling was different.

5 在這個社區服務中,你對自己有什麼新的認識?
I usually go to the center and serve. As I walked around the 老街 street this time, I felt that this street was a bit inconvenient for people with disabilities to see and then I realized that I was not doing minor service activities.

6 在這次社區服務中,你覺得我們有沒有什麼可以更努力的地方?
I would like to have an opportunity to do volunteer activities directly. Of course, there was something new about it, but I did not think it was a volunteer activity.

更新日期:2017/5/15 上午 03:46:45