書名:零壓力社交,內向人的成功心理學 作者:劉華清 出版:台北市:果禾文化,2012年6月 看了這本書後,我發現「內向」的性格也可以是種優勢,舉例來說,書中提到95%的諾貝爾得主幾乎都帶有內向的性格,這些人可能平常不是特別大放異彩的人,然而他們利用自己的優勢,默默的耕耘,靜靜地埋頭苦幹,而後在各自的領域爆發驚人的成就,這些人內向,但不代表他們一無是處,反而因此走出自己的一片天空。 讀了此書,我知道內向的人還有其他許多的優點,像是較外向的人深思熟慮,遇到事情實行「三思而後行」的原則,因此在事情上發生的錯誤就相對地少;又例如,內向的人個性通常都較圓融,與世無爭,帶給社會一種
更新日期:2015/11/13 11:58:30
書名:再見,向你的雜亂人生告別 作者:布魯克斯.帕瑪 出版:台北市:商周出版,2013年8月 人生的雜亂有許多種,親情的爭吵、愛情的分崩離析、人際關係的疏離冷漠,或是工作及課業上的忙亂繁瑣……等,而這些心理的雜亂有時便會反映在人們的生活周遭,舉例來說,書中的心裡頭雜亂的人大多都有一個傾向,那就是他們的生活環境也十分的混亂無序,而作者的工作便是幫助他們審視這些混沌的根源,並耐心的詢問他們:「妳/你喜不喜歡這項東西,你/妳需要它,還是讓他就此離開?」當這個問題一出來,人們便會開始思考,眼前的這件東西是否真的需要,留下這件東西對自己有益嗎? 這本書讓我想起在新聞上看到一種心病
更新日期:2015/11/13 11:53:32
書名:允許自己不快樂 作者:陶德.卡珊登、羅伯特.比斯瓦斯-迪納 出版:台北市:商周出版,2014年11月 很多時候,人們迴避負面的情緒,因為負面的情緒令人難受、且痛苦,但本書很特別的地方便是在於,它鼓勵讀者去接納、面對負面的感受,包括沮喪、憤怒或是失望,這令我感到很不可思議,因為以往讀的書都鼓吹人要一直保持正面思考,人生才會快樂,然而讀了這本書,我發現能在好情緒與壞情緒穿梭自如,才是真正「完整」的活著。 我因此回想,很多時候在生活上,我也遇到了很多挫折與困境,然而那時候我並沒有「假裝」一切都沒事,日常還是可以「若無其事」的快樂,相反的,我在夜晚用很多時間和傷痛相處
更新日期:2015/11/13 11:48:21
升上四年級後,面對即將畢業的壓力,常思考到底我要選擇繼續升學或是就業。 我選擇就業,希望能進入銀行業工作;大四上修習了經濟系系內選修證券金融法規,目前也正在準備證照(例如:銀行內控、信託業務人員等)都是入銀行需要的基本證照。 而系上老師也提供我們一個機會企業參訪,我們在永豐銀行看見交易所,如同電影般每個人桌上都有好幾台電腦!也了解交易員其實很辛苦,壓力也很大,因為他們必須從商品交易買賣中獲利,而這種獲利牽涉到好幾百萬美金的流動,從業人員必須小心且謹慎。 未來四下也會參與學校講座,了解金融產業的概況;開始投履歷,熟悉這個產業的運作。
更新日期:2015/11/13 10:26:35
1. I think the suitable situation to use message passing is when you are going to exchange smaller amounts of data. The benefits of using message passing are it is easier to implement than shared memory for inter-computer communication. Message can be exchange directly or indirectly through mailbox
更新日期:2015/11/13 02:00:52
1-1 Message passing is useful for exchanging smaller amounts of data, because conflicts need be avoided. It is also easier to implement than is shared memory for inter computer communication. 1-2 ①. Message passing: a. Prons: * Memory is scalable with the number of processors. Increase the n
更新日期:2015/11/13 01:59:33
1. Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? Message passing is useful when smaller numbers of data need to be exchanged, because no conflicts need to be avoided. It
更新日期:2015/11/13 01:28:19
1 Advantages of message-passing communication model The hardware cam be simpler Communication explicit, simpler to understand Explicit communication focuses attention on costly aspect of parallel computer , sometimes leading to improved structure in multiprocessor program Synchronization is nat
更新日期:2015/11/13 01:07:22
1.Reason 1: caches are useful when two or more components need toexchange data, and the components perform transfers at different speeds. E.g., the CU registers and the disk are wo such components. Caches solve this problem byproviding a buffer of intermediate speed to store part of the data
更新日期:2015/11/13 00:38:10
Homework for Chapter 2: 1. Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? In addition, when a small number of information exchange, most of the time is the use of shared-me
更新日期:2015/11/13 00:37:12
1-1.Message passing is useful for exchanging smaller amounts of data,because conflicts need be avoided. It is also easier to implement than is shared memory for inter computer communication. 1-2.Pros: Memory is scalable with the number of processors. Increase the number of processors and the s
更新日期:2015/11/13 00:24:14
1-1. Message passing is useful for exchanging smaller amounts of data, because no conflicts need be avoided. Message passing is also easier to implement than is shared memory for interprocess communication. 1-2.In shared memory model, memory is shared by cooperating processes, which can exchan
更新日期:2015/11/13 00:13:43
Homework for Chapter 2: 1. Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? Answer: Message passing is useful when smaller numbers of data need to be exchanged, becaus
更新日期:2015/11/13 00:10:38
在一年級時太混 因此每一科被當光光 升上二年級後 因為看到 兩個學長似乎一直再重修 因為看到 兩個學長似乎一直再重修 因此引以為鑑 決定收心 認真點念書 其實重看一年級的課本 發現沒有很難 這一個學年的目標 就是把所有科目都給他過! 畢竟才修15學分 沒什麼道裡不all pass 這學期也希望打工的薪水能多存一點 畢竟 雖然比較認真了 但對德文還是沒什麼興趣 也許該去買一些額外的教材或是講義 來充實自己(或是補之前的洞) 雖然作文對我來說很難 但我一定能做到@ >@
更新日期:2015/11/13 00:01:02
1. (1) Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? (2) What are the pros and cons of using these two models? (1) Message passing is more suitable when we are exchanging smaller amount of data,because there are no conf
更新日期:2015/11/12 23:45:41
Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? 1):Message passing is useful for exchanging smaller amounts of data,because conflicts need be avoided. It is also easier to i
更新日期:2015/11/12 23:21:28
應用「雲端虛擬實驗室(CVLab)」中的槓桿轉動實驗,配合引導式探究策略所發展的實驗活動,以學習者爲中心,採用分組合作學習的方式,讓學生經由探索、操作的活動、熟悉探討的方法、經由實作過程,將實驗內容與結果,做有條理性和科學性的陳述,以期獲得科學知識和技能。 研究對象為19位八年級學生,經由「雲端虛擬實驗室(CVLab)」的實驗活動,學習者透過實驗觀察、動手操作、與組員討論,結果顯示學生比較不害怕實驗課程,「雲端虛擬實驗室(CVLab)」模擬程式的介面操作並不因難,學生充份了解儀器的組合及實驗步驟,不但提高了學習者的學習興趣,同時透過實驗,學生理解了槓桿原理並能運用所學於日常生活中。
更新日期:2015/11/12 23:05:56
Homework for Chapter 2: 1. Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? 2. What is “system calls?” Please specify the functions and the purposes of a system call
更新日期:2015/11/12 22:39:24
1. Which situation is suitable to use message passing instead of shared-memory model for communication between processes? What are the pros and cons of using these two models? (1)Message passing is useful when smaller numbers of data need to be exchanged,because no conflicts need to be avoided.
更新日期:2015/11/12 22:32:07
1.{1}Caches are useful when two or more components need to exchange data, and the components perform transfers at differing speeds. {2}  Caches solve the transfer problem b
更新日期:2015/11/12 22:27:08